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D6.3 Exploitation Plan after closure

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D6.3 Exploitation Plan after closure

Daniel Thiemert (ECMWF)

D6.3 Exploitation Plan after closure revisits the planned exploitation activities already defined in D6.2 and identifies both Intellectual Property developed during the project as well as further exploitation activities.
As already mentioned in D6.2, ESCAPE-2 does not lend itself to a consortium-wide exploitation as the output of the project is not a single system but rather concepts and components. As such, apart from the already mentioned aspects such as the HPCW Benchmark and the DSL tool chain, joint exploitation is not further envisaged. However, the already identified activities (see Table 2) remain the focus of the consortium partners, and indeed are already being implemented.
The uptake and maintenance of the HPCW benchmark in ESiWACE2 and the wider scientific community supports the validity of the concept and ensures sustained exploitation of the ESCAPE-2 results after the end of the project.