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D3.5 Full HPCW suite v1.0

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D3.5 Full HPCW suite v1.0

Ralf Mueller (DKRZ), David Guibert (BULL), Erwan Raffin (BULL), Mario Acosta (BSC), Daniel Beltran (BSC)

One of the main objectives of ESCAPE-2 is to establish weather and climate representative benchmarks based on world class European prediction models to enable deployment on energy efficient and heterogeneous HPC architectures towards Extreme-scale Demonstrators.
Here we present the version 1.0 of the HPCW benchmark which tends to be the reference benchmark suite for the Weather and Climate community in Europe. HPCW components, main characteristics and deployment are given. We also present the reference baseline results, time and energy to solution, obtained at Atos. Finally, the future of HPCW is outlined.